
My fervent prayer is every day I will love Jesus deeper, love His people deeper, and love His calling deeper. Every Day Deeper.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Letters of Love

Even when we are emptied, we can be filled again. This is what Grace looks like- being filled without deserving the gift of the One who fills us. 

From my heart:

Lord, I promise You my forever. I will never be worthy of Your love but I will live in the goodness that through Your sacrifice, I am deeply loved by You. You are my provider, my Father, my protector, and my sustainer. You have loved me since before my first breath and cherished me before I even had a glimpse of You. I promise to pursue you even if the cost is great and to delight in it when it is hard. I give you my hand and life- since it is Yours in the first place. May you be my sanctuary of love,peace, and joy. With you I am full, whole, and alive. No treasure compares to You. Whatever life may bring may my eyes never wander from You. Let it be so. 

From His:

Child, I am always with you. Your heart is easily wounded, easily misguided,but Mine is not. Trust My steady hand that I will lead you through life with great intent, showing you My glory in ways you have never imagined. Be brave my sweet Daughter because I first go before you and it is My joy to love you fully. You will never truly understand My love until You one day walk into My glory. This will be a marvelous day because at last, you will be home. But for now, hold My promises close and store My words in your heart. You are never alone, never forgotten. You are more precious to me than you dare to believe. 

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